it's my blog! about knitting!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Oh happiness! Oh joy!

Its been a great couple of days I tell you.

Check it out dude. Two things.

1. Suffragette Knitty is now Googleable. I have been obsessively checking to see when Google would find me and it was last Thursday. I practically fell off my chair.

2. I now belong to the Knit Bloggers webring. That means that people other than Alex and Donna might just look at my blog. This thrills me to no end. And has led me to my next exciting thing:

3. Three people (count them, THREE!) I do not know left comments on my blog!!! It rocks! Thank you so much people i don't know! That means that at least 3 people I don't know have looked at my blog which is, oddly, very exciting to me.

So i had lots of other exciting things to write about but its hot in Vancouver now. (20 degrees is hot to me. I haven't adjusted yet.) Here is a photo of Peter of Peter, Bjorn and John. We saw them on Saturday at the Commodore. It was awesome. Do you see how close I was??? That was pretty hot too actually. I need to live in Iceland or something.


kate said...

Gotta love the webring. And David Bowie. Extra bonus: your site lives up to the wittiness of its name.

Unknown said...

I too have just been allowed to join the Knitting Bloggers ring and wow lots of visitors. Will keep checking in on your baby blog. It's fun and very motivating for me to have my blog, I always feel I have to keep working so I have something creative to blog about. I must try googling myself, hadn't thought of that. Keep knitting and blogging. Lisa

Unknown said...

Hi Tracey,

My blog is two spaces previous to yours in the ring. I haven't even had breakfast yet but I had to check what had been going on over night on my blog. Oh, I googled me and found heaps of my blog posts, amazing. Lisa

Anonymous said...

Ooh, Peter Bjorn & John!! I'm jealous! I am looking forward to seeing them at Lollapalooza this year.