it's my blog! about knitting!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Dear Blog

I am very sorry for not posting but it has been a very busy couple of weeks. I'm moonlighting right now. And I've had a few other commitments. Like Alisa's Stagette:

That's me on the right looking like I had an unfortunate accident. All that wetness is of the sky variety. Alisa's Stagette was comprised of a scavenger hunt on the rainiest, stormiest day in Vancouver that I can remember in a long time. I, being so hip and modern, did not own a rain coat and was terribly miserable. That's my partner Laura on the left. She owned a raincoat and was slightly less wet. We rocked the scavenger hunt and came in second (it came down to a foot race. Doesn't always? I was a running disappointment and we did not win the heart shaped key chains. I did win some gum though. The best prize by far was the 3 pack of socks, which I bartered for a pair of. My feet were soaked after we fell in a knee high puddle outside of The Landing.)

There was a second half of the Stagette which included a lot of alcohol (Jager Bombs should not be consumed by people over 30...) and bad dancing to Justin Timberlake, etc. I have photos of that part of the night but have some pride and will not post them. It says a lot that I am more than happy to post a picture of myself looking like I peed my pants on the Skytrain but will not post the drunk dancing photos. I should really just delete them now lest they fall into the wrong hands.

Anyhoo, I got myself a new raincoat:

I got Tony one too as you can see. We needed them because it was supposed to rain all last weekend and we were off to Savary Island:

That's my sister Andrea. Let's see if she actually looks at my blog..... She made that hat. She makes loads of things. She's a crocheter but I still love her.

So, while it apparently rained like a s.o.b. in Vancouver, Savary was lovely! This was good because my friend Anne got herself hitched:

What a great photo, no? It was an all out 4 day affair. I tell you, planning a wedding on an island without electricity or heck, even paved roads makes me want to cry a little but they planned it perfectly. Came off without a hitch. Here is a picture of Karl cooking his own wedding feast:

So you see I have been busy. There have been other things too. Ah, I went to see Roger Waters the other night (amazing) and ah, other things that I can't recall off the top of my head. But look, I managed to finish this:

Please focus on the sweater, not the shininess of my forehead. We took like 7 pictures. Sadly, that was the best one.... So, yes, Flair from Knit and Tonic. Made with Blue Sky Alpacas Cotton. I love that stuff. Anyways, its great. Worn it twice this week. Heck, I'm wearing it right now so I guess that makes it 3 times. It might make me look slightly pregnant from the side, but I don't care, I still love it. The interior buttons were a bit hard for me. I only put 3 inside and I thought that I had sewn them in very loosely but they pucker a bit so I guess not loosely enough. Like the slightly pregnancy aspect I also choose to ignore that.

Well, I guess that's about it. This is kind of a long and exhausting post. I'm on my way out to Surrey for my friend Christine's Annual Surrey BBQ. She lures us all out there with loads of great food once a year. Its more than worth the excessively long Skytrain ride. Tomorrow is the inaugural meeting of the Park Knitters Club. But it is supposed to rain so it will be inside like all the past Living Room Knitters Club meetings.

Here's a couple more pictures of Savary (taken the day after the wedding aka Hangover Day)cause its awfully nice there.

Friday, June 8, 2007

I lost my buttons


I don't know how it happened. Actually I have a theory that someone's boyfriend started cleaning a little over zealously and they ended up in the garbage. There was a 4 day search party and now they are considered lost and presumed dead. I'm going to go to Button Button today to replace them.

I was kind of bummed about that this week. I was also bummed because they let Paris Hilton out of jail. I am evilly filled with glee now that she has been sent back. I am a small and petty person, I know.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Return of the super secret baby project

I had to use a really big picture to celebrate the glory which is the completed Super Secret Baby Project. Look at it! Its a beautiful thing!

So what you see here is a hat made by Donna. She also made the pale green booties. And those little green booties with the pale green ties were made by Jocelyn. And me I made that sweater, but that's old news.

It brings a tear to my eye. Look how great it turned out! And Donna and Jocelyn have come so far. They're real knitters now. Its heartwarming.

I'm not sure what patterns were used for the booties and hat (D and J- why don't you leave it in the comments?). I do know that it was all knit in Blue Sky Organic Cotton. We love that stuff.