it's my blog! about knitting!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The fruits of my internet shopping labour

Sara at work was looking at my blog today (thanks Sara) and she called my attention to a glaring omission on my part. I had never posted my yarn that came in the mail last week, leaving a huge void in the internet shopping saga. I apologize to my readers (sorry Alex and Donna!), here's the story:

The yarn came. I was really excited and wanted only to go online and purchase more things. Oh the lure of internet shopping is great!

O.kay, actually the yarn came and I thought they had gypped me and only sent me 6 balls instead of 11. i emailed them and told them they'd gypped me and they immediately emailed back and told me 5 more balls were in the mail. A few hours later I actually LOOKED at what they had sent me and they had in fact sent me 11 balls. So I emailed them back and told them I was a goof and not to send me any more yarn. They "they" in question is Knit Picks and they were very nice and didn't make fun of me at all.

Oh so here is the yarn taken on my very ghetto East Van lawn:

And this photo details how slender the package is. Notice how slim it is. How anyone could really mistake it for only 5 balls of yarn and not 10. I'm sure many people make that error.


Unknown said...

Oh, thats embarassing, I'd do something like that, hope I remember this when it happens.

Anonymous said...

does tony know there's a yarn above his head? LOOOOVE your new yarn!!!

Anonymous said...

Completely understandable. You just got caught up in the excitement of the moment.

alex said...

Hey Tracy,

That is very small yarn. It is very nice! I also like that big ball of yarn by Tony's head. What are you making with the small yarn?