it's my blog! about knitting!

Monday, May 28, 2007

I got new buttons!

You know that Kids in the Hall sketch, well how would you know if I can barely remember it? Um, it takes place in a hipster clothing shop and 2 of the Kids (I can't even remember who) are female shop clerks. Um, I think. Anyways they are talking about all sorts of hipster shop clerk type things (circa 1989), punctuated with lots of "Oh my god!"'s, etc and one of their topics of conversation is about a girlfriend of theirs who had a fabulous jacket and went dancing. Something was haunted. Was it the dance floor or the jacket? I can't remember. Mmmmm, this is a good story isn't it? Suddenly, due to the haunting, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HER BUTTONS POPPED OFF!.



Well then the girlfriend comes into the store at the end of the sketch wearing the fabulous jacket and announces "I got new buttons!!!"

Good rendition, no? Anyways, more to the point- I got new buttons!! Here's a nice upside down shot:

Yes, Donna picked me up at work yesterday and we had a lunch date at Button Button. Man, that place is seriously a good time. I've never been in there, just drunkenly looked through the windows late at night after leaving the Cambie.

These little suckers are going to go on to my Flair jacket which is blocking as we speak. (I'm a little worried about my blocking abilities on this one, but that is for another day.)

I almost bought some awfully excellent yellow vegetable ivory buttons that just faintly had cowboy images on them. Those were really some of the coolest buttons I have ever seen, but after about an hour of discussion with Donna, the shop woman, and other customers I went with the subtler buttons you see. New in 2007, a subtler Tracy. (I am so buying those cowboy buttons for another sweater...)


Reckless Glue said...

oh wow, you're making flair too? I can't wait to see the finished results!

Anonymous said...

People should read this.