it's my blog! about knitting!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Knitting School

That's not what its called but it really should be.

So, as of July 1 (Happy Canada Day) I became a non smoker of 1.5 years and I needed a present. Generally I would go for jewelry but I had been eyeing a class up at Three Bags Full for a while and I decided that was the present for me. So I'm taking a design your own sweater class and its fabulous, not only because I get to say things like "I'm off to Knitting School!" and "I have a lot of knitting homework to do!". Although, getting to say those things is pretty darn good.

Now I must apologize, its been quite a while since I've posted. Its not my fault. Well, its a little my fault but people keep having birthday parties and there are camping weekends and out of town visitors. Oh and Vancouver had a disgusting heat wave last week and like I could even move. I have no knitting related photos to post so I poached a few from Facebook to prove that I am still alive and as geeky and photogenic as usual. The first photo (up there) is me channelling Paula Abdul. Obviously. There is something about the song "Straight Up". I just can't control myself. I can't explain it.

This one, well, I'm just not sure. I obviously found something hilarious. Almost as good as knitting photos?