it's my blog! about knitting!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Its internet shopping night!!!

Yahoo! The rest of the world (o.kay Canada) is watching hockey but me, I get to do a little internet shopping. Frankly, that makes me the lucky one.

I have no choice. I'm stalled on Flair waiting for Donna (who's final is tomorrow, so I guess I'm not stalled too long) and my second Monkey sock is coming along quite nicely:

So, yes, nothing else to do but to go internet shopping!!

I'm going to buy this:

Fad-Classic from Knit and Tonic. (Holy crap, do you see that hyperlink I just included there? A genius, I tell you, I'm a genius.)

O.kay, yeah, so I am making that. I think it is so cute I may weep. Mine will be black. And will be made from Knit Picks (another one!) Shine Worsted in Ebony. I've read varying reviews of the Shine Worsted. Some people seem to love it, others, well not so much. I've decided to give er a try. I'm a little obsessed with the idea of purchasing yarn on line right now so I'm going for this.

Wendy from Knit and Tonic also suggests Cascade 220 which is awesome yarn and my yarn shop carries it. Its wool though and I kind of want something spring like. (Spring like and black. Ah, I do what I want.) But if this pattern works out I'm making it in Cascade in the fall. Damn straight.

In other news I met my new cousin. Yup, being very very good looking must run in the family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want some pictures of the little guy wearing his 'First Tattoo' sweater.