it's my blog! about knitting!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Baby's First Tattoo

Hi Alex!! My one reader!

So I've spent the morning learning a little something about photo files and I feel a little better about my blogging abilities. Ever so slightly better.

O.kay! So!! I finished Baby's First Tattoo from the Stitch and Bitch Nation book. I started it months ago for my cousin's baby who is now 2 months old. Lucky I made it big.

Alright, I am going to add a photo now...

Excellent. A photo. O.kay, that wasn't as easy as I thought it would be and I am now typing in the html area of blogger. But that's cool. I'm flexible. Time for another photo!!

Here is a detail of the left skull and cross bones. The side that I am pleased with. The other side is a bit wonky and I chose not to take a picture of it. I did, for 3 milliseconds, consider pulling the other side out and redoing it but man, this took soooooo long to make and was not a massive amount of fun (i blame it on the cotton yarn) and I already ripped out one arm and redid that because I was unhappy with the finishing. So, um, yeah, this is the side that I like.

O.kay yeah so here are 2 less fun photos and less commentary. Law and Order starts soon so I don't have a lot of time here.


alex said...

Tracy that sweater is soooo cute! I think it looks fabuous. I really like the colour.

robin said...

Tracy, this blog is so great that it almost makes me want to take up knitting. Almost.

Anonymous said...

Well I guess this confirms it. My girlfriend is officially a knitter. And apparently a very good knitter. And a sexy knitter! This sweater is so cool, I wish I were 1 again so I could wear it. Good work, my knitting girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

Dude! Awesome! It's green and has skulls! What more could a baby want?
Happy birthday, btw.