it's my blog! about knitting!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I'm hoping to get some socks in here

Emma found my blog. Nice detective work. Or, I was drunk enough on my birthday to give it away. In that case, nice follow through.

I dreamed the other morning that the radio had gone off and Emma was on the radio (this had actually happened once in real life and I woke up one morning to hear Emma on the CBC talking about a knitted scarf exchange so it wasn't unbelievable at all) and she was talking about people that drink too much. In my dream I was lying there in bed thinking "ooohhh noooo, she's totally talking about me". Then I woke up and realized that it was a dream and I laughed out loud. Yeah, that was good times.

O.kay! Look at this! Its Mr. Bear with my new socks.

So that didn't last too long and turned into this:

That cat sure isn't very good at modelling socks. I told him so too. I guess if you are going to have a knitting blog its sort of mandatory to include pictures of your cat. Don't blame me, I don't make the rules.

Well, these are the socks on my feet. Why yes, we did have a sock photo shoot after work today. Once again, Law and Order is on so I have nothing more to say.


alex said...

The Bear looks good on the blog. He's very photogenic. The socks look good too! What yarn did you use for them? I am almost finished my scarf.

Anonymous said...

Wicked socks! And didn't I tell you that I now have a show on CBC every morning talking about the evil of the demon alcohol? Can't believe you missed it.