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Monday, September 17, 2007

Park Knitters!

It's so ugly out now. Winter seems to have just rushed in without much time for fall, which is really my favourite. It seems like a heck of good time to remember park knitting which we were only just doing a few weeks ago.

Here is Josephine in progress:

And my first pair of Audi's:

And Emma! Looking good and knitting away:

And Donna, who is a knitter, and Josie, who wants to be a knitter:

And Jocelyn rocking out and knitting:

And Reena- new knitter:

Ah, good times.


knitography said...

Hey, that looks like Trout Lake! I've been there a million times and never seen anyone knitting. Crazy!

Anonymous said...

Whaaat? An update that I missed? Wow, the park looks so good in the photos. Sigh... it seems like ages ago...

Anonymous said...

Oh my lord. I look horrendously hung over. Oh wait... never mind.