it's my blog! about knitting!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Knitting School

That's not what its called but it really should be.

So, as of July 1 (Happy Canada Day) I became a non smoker of 1.5 years and I needed a present. Generally I would go for jewelry but I had been eyeing a class up at Three Bags Full for a while and I decided that was the present for me. So I'm taking a design your own sweater class and its fabulous, not only because I get to say things like "I'm off to Knitting School!" and "I have a lot of knitting homework to do!". Although, getting to say those things is pretty darn good.

Now I must apologize, its been quite a while since I've posted. Its not my fault. Well, its a little my fault but people keep having birthday parties and there are camping weekends and out of town visitors. Oh and Vancouver had a disgusting heat wave last week and like I could even move. I have no knitting related photos to post so I poached a few from Facebook to prove that I am still alive and as geeky and photogenic as usual. The first photo (up there) is me channelling Paula Abdul. Obviously. There is something about the song "Straight Up". I just can't control myself. I can't explain it.

This one, well, I'm just not sure. I obviously found something hilarious. Almost as good as knitting photos?


Anonymous said...

come on now - it's been a month! when you gonna update this????

Anonymous said...

you crack me up....I've known you my WHOLE life.....and you still crack me up....channeling Paula Abdul(sp)! Where do you come up with this stuff....hahaha

Kirsty said...

He he, love your blog name!
I followed you over from your comment on my WW jumper. Thanks!
In answer to your question- a pattern would be copyright hell, but I published the charts I used on my blog (the post name is "charts", you can find it in my September archives)
Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

DUDE. More writing. Less knitting.
: ) I'm blogging vicariously through you.